"Pretty is something you're born with... But beautiful, that's an equal opportunity adjective."~Emerson

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Haul 11/27

Just a quick haul..

Juicy Couture skinny jeans

Juicy Couture top

Aveda's Confixor liquid gel- LOVE this stuff!
And both of these were ordered from Victoria's Secret

Cotton Thermal V-neck Sweater in blonde heather
Cotton Cashmere Wrap Sweater in light grey heather

Beauty Product Gripe

As much as I love that moisturizer.. And my new favorite foundation (review to come!).. I hate that you can't open the bottles. If you squeeze out too much product, you have to use it or lose it, there is no opening the container and putting the excess back. Which I'm sure is for sanitary reasons, (or so you have to buy more sooner!) but it bugs me a lot. That is all ;)


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

New Favorite Moisturizer

Clean & Clear Finishes Pore Perfecting Moisturizer with SPF15.. LOVE it! I love the fact that it's oil free, love the fact that it has an SPF in it, love the fact that it makes my skin feel super moisturized, and *really* love how it makes my skin look! It's definitely one of the best drug-store finds I've found yet, I highly recommend it.
